Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All Tears Are Not Enough

All tears in the world are not enough to cry our dear Iraq, our dear brothers, relatives, friends and innocent Iraqis who have been killed for no reason just because they loved their country and wanted to stay loyal to its soil till the last breathe they have in this life.

Can any body explain to me what kind of a world we are living in now, a world that is watching and hearing every day that no less than 100 body found in Baghdad thrown in the trash and does not take a single step to stop that, in the contrary it has become a common piece of news and merely number written in the newspapers and thrown away, no one can feel the impact of that, only the Iraqi families who lose every day,a father, brother, son and relative.

Instead of finding a solution to this daily mass killing, Bush declared his support to the Iraqi sectarian government who is in charge of all these victims and insisted on keeping Malki, Ruba'i and other ulcers to accomplish their mission and genocide all the Iraqis except their loyalists and supporters.

In a funeral set up for one of the Iraqi retired officers who had been kidnapped in front of one of the banks in Baghdad while he went there to collect some money for his family, and after few days his body found at the forensic depratment in Baghdad and by miracle brought home, a group of women in the same neighbourhood came to console his Sunni wife and family but in fact each one of them sat to cry endlessly her own killed people.

The first woman who arrived when she heard the news, is a shiite woman whom her eldest son died on Al-A'ima bridge last year while he was heading to Kadimiyia shrine, he fell on one of the barriers and people stepped on his body, in the evening his body found in one of the hospitals in Baghdad left on the ground as there was no space to keep him in the fridge.

Her eldest borther killed last May after being kicked out of his neighbourhood, she sat in front of the wife to cry her neighbour and her dear son and brother.

After few minutes, another Shiite neighbour came, her brother was killed in a bombing of a Husseini in Khanaqien in Nov,last year, while he was preparying for his wedding, a suicide bomber blew up himself inside the Husseini where the brotehr was praying with other people there.

Soon, a Sunni woman came to join her neighbours and to cry her young son whom within three months dignoised with lempho cancer though he was a sport guy, but with the luck of good doctors and medications, the guy died at home within three months to leave only his pictures at home which the mother speak with them most of the time.

A christain woman came to the funeral to cry her two nephews who were killed in the bombing of one of the most popular resturant in Abu Nua's street last year while they were having breakfast there and some other policemen.

Another Sunni woman showed up whom her son was killed by daeth squads after being kidnapped just because his name is "Omer".

A shiite neighbour turned up whom her son in Law killed by an IED last year while Mahdi army was clashing with the Americans in Sader city with his friend to leave her daughter with two kids homeless, later on, she brought her daughter to live with the family.

Another Sunni woman came, her son who is a teacher in a High school was assassinated at the main gate of the school for reasons til now they could not figure out.

Another and Another and Another, I can assure you that all the people who came to the funeral have lost a dear person and they are in fear in losing more and do not know what to do and what is their crime?

All of them were exchanging terrible stories about killing, kidnapping, deportation, fear of sending their kids to schools and universities, luck of work and money to earn their living, luck of fuels and how the prices are very high and and.......


Blogger G.Gar said...

Dear Ishtar,

I have just stumbled across your blogger while browsing the net.. I was looking for some material about the similarites between babylonian and ancient egyptian (am an Egyptian Arab environmental Engineer and arabic history is my dearest hobby) heritage..Ishtar and Isis.When i was lucky enough to find your blogger. We the Arabs are known for our highly expressive tongue, sensitve and refined passions.

I wish i were wise enough to prescribe a way out from the currrent PROBLEM. All what i can tell is that iraq the great country of a continious 10000 years civilisation, captial of the ancient world that granted humanity its name, writing and civilisation.The medival Bahgdad that resurrected the glamour of the ancient orient, preserved the dignity of the Arabs and surpassed everything passed down by the greco romans, enlightened both the Arabs and the west.
The miraculous modern iraq that rose up from from ignorance and poverty in almost no time nd was the First Arab country that was getting out of the viscious circle of retardment and poverty.

Those wonderful and great people will sort out their problems one day. The survival and the prosperity of iraq is a cosmic law!!!!!! Dont be scared. Everything will be alright soon.

6:05 AM  
Blogger G.Gar said...

Dear Ishtar,

I have just stumbled across your blogger while browsing the net.. I was looking for some material about the similarites between babylonian and ancient egyptian (am an Egyptian Arab) heritage..Ishtar and Isis.When i was lucky enough to find your blogger. We the Arabs are known for our highly expressive tongue, sensitve and refined passions.

I wish i were wise enough to prescribe a way out from the currrent PROBLEM. All what i can tell is that iraq the great country of a continious 10000 years civilisation, captial of the ancient world that granted humanity its name, writing and civilisation.The medival Bahgdad that resurrected the glamour of the ancient orient, preserved the dignity of the Arabs and surpassed everything passed down by the greco romans, enlightened both the Arabs and the west.
The miraculous modern iraq that rose up from from ignorance and poverty in almost no time nd was the First Arab country that was getting out of the viscious circle of retardment and poverty.

Those wonderful and great people will sort out their problems one day. The survival and the prosperity of iraq is a cosmic law!!!!!! Dont be scared. Everything will be alright soon.

6:05 AM  
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1:33 AM  
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9:47 PM  
Blogger جميل said...

تويتر شعر
انستقرام ضحك
انستقرام شيلات

5:35 PM  

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