Saturday, December 16, 2006

Leave The House

Ammar, a shiite engineer lives in Hay Al-Adel, after the deterioration of the security situation in Iraq, he left to Jordan and waited there for four months after buying a visa to Canada with $11,000 to flee the hell of Iraq and the government of the national unity.

The flight to Canada was not direct but Ammar has to stop in Moscow for few hours and then continue, but in Moscow, Ammar told that he is not allowed to continue his trip and he has to go back to Jordan.

Ammar was dying to reach Amman and ask the guy who got him the visa why it was refused though he paid such a huge amount of money, he could not wait the security officers to check him to run to the guy but again the security men looked in his documents and told him that he is not allowed to get in Jordan, he has to find another place.

So,he decided to go to Syria and would contact the guy from there and question about the visa, when he got at the Syrian airport and the officers there found that Ammar was not allowed to access Amman, they told him that they can't allow him too.

The only joice left to Ammar was to go back to Baghdad, so, he booked his flight to Baghdad and headed home to Hay Al-Adel.

Ammar found his mother only at home waiting for him, the entire family left after receiving a threat to evacuate the house being Shiite and give it to Sunni family kicked out of Hurriyia district by Mahdi army few days ago, and survived the killing and burning of their houses there.

The mother was reluctant to leave her house but she was left with two options, either she allowed two families to stay with her or she leaves the hosue within three days, otherwise she will be killed and the house will be confiscated at the end.

Ammar convinced his mother to leave to spare their lives and that nothing is more important than their safety, the mother left the house crying all her memories in her dear house and all effort she exerted with her husband to build the family house.

Ammar decided to leave to his grandfather house, but for his surprise he found his aunt with her family at his grandfather house too, because she herself was kicked out of her house from Sha'ab district as her husband is Sunni and he was threatened too to leave the neighbourhood within 24 hour, or he will be killed and the house was given to Shiite family kicked out of Sunni dominated district.

I have to stay, since the Iraqi-Iranian war till now, I mean within the last thirty years, Iraq has not witnessed such black fearful days like these days, and if you talk with any person now, he will tell you that he expects the worse and that today is better than tomorrow.

Even the three weeks of 2003 war with all their bruital bombardment and the killing of so many innocent Iraqis but still we were able to move in and around Baghdad, yes, with fear of dying of shooting but not to be killed by the Iraqis, our people.

I bet any Iraqi now to contact a friend, a relative, any Iraqi or sit to talk with any person lives in Baghdad now, and he would tell you a single happy piece of news, all what he will be talking about is how to get out of this hell and leave it to the brave politicians who live at the Green Zone to fill their bellies with more million dollars on the barter of the lives of the Iraqi people.

I bet any Iraqi to go to any district in Baghdad and he won't see a funeral or a black banner for an Iraqi man or woman killed by militia, car bomb, IEDs or a sniper, and after all of that you will have Talbani telling you that the situation now is better than three years ago.


Blogger Steve Cooke, St Andrews Golf Groups said...

George Bush is Osama Bin Ladens biggest recruiter isn't he?

How that man sleeps at night is beyond me, he should be hung in my opinion


1:29 PM  
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